
Drug prosecutions may be commonplace, but neither the defendant nor the attorney can afford to regard them as routine. Any skilled practitioner understands that defending a drug case can be complex, calling for creativity, determination and experience. The stakes demand a focused and diligent defense: drug crimes can call for long sentences, often involve mandatory minimum sentences, and are subject to a variety of enhancements that give prosecutors considerable leverage. In addition, convictions can have disastrous collateral consequences, reaching far outside the courtroom, including disqualifying a defendant from subsidized housing and student loans or resulting in driver’s license suspension.
Given the resources that law enforcement and prosecutors put into drug prosecutions, you need an attorney who has the knowledge and resources to develop the best defense and who is not afraid to stand up to powerful prosecutors. The Boston law firm of Tumposky & Associates, P.C. has years of experience handling everything from complex drug conspiracies, alleging high volume drug sales via sophisticated networks, to minor distribution and possession offenses. Whether a person is facing federal prosecution for international drug smuggling, or a local district court case alleging simple possession, the firm will dedicate the same degree of attention and rigor to defending the case.
Similarly, the firm has handled cases involving a variety of illegal drugs — marijuana, heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, mushrooms, methamphetamine, and illegal use of prescription drugs and in each one of these cases has provided cutting edge representation. No matter what the charge, you need an attorney who knows that drug cases require a thorough investigation, a detailed analysis of whether law enforcement respected constitutional limitations, the aggressiveness to demand that the Government comply with its discovery obligations, the creativity to file pre-trial motions, and of course the experience and skill to litigate the case expertly through trial or disposition. If you or someone you know needs an attorney for a drug case call us:

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