Being charged with a sex crime – such as rape and statutory rape, indecent assault and battery, and enticing a minor – can be overwhelming. Sex crimes call for some of the harshest sentences in the criminal justice system. In addition, they can result in a whole host of collateral consequences, such as civil commitment, registration as a sex offender, and difficulty finding work and housing. Such crimes can also often attract unwelcome media attention. Proper defense of such crimes requires a deep understanding of the body of law governing these offenses, experience managing media attention, and a knowledge of the forensic issues and experts needed in such cases.
The Boston law firm of Tumposky & Associates, P.C. has the experience, creativity, and compassion to advocate for the best result in these difficult cases. We are not afraid to zealously advocate for the rights of those accused of such crimes, no matter what the crime, and no matter what the public perception of the crime. Our lawyers will learn everything there is to know about the case, by listening to your story, investigating the facts, and demanding discovery from the prosecutor. We will explore and challenge the vulnerabilities in the police investigation and in the prosecutor’s case, and leave no stone unturned to arrive at the best result. If you or someone you know has been charged with a sex crime, call us: